Investors often start with the best intentions and high hopes for strong returns, yet many fall short of achieving their goals. From our experience, we’ve identified that the root causes typically fall into one of three categories: poor advice, inefficient portfolios, or investor mistakes. At Linden Thomas & Co., we have decades of experience managing portfolios and have seen these issues play out time and again. Our firm strives to provide sound advice and build efficient portfolios, but even the best portfolio can be derailed by poor investor behavior. This is why it’s crucial to take a closer look at the most common mistakes investors make and how to avoid them. 1. Chasing Hype It’s all too easy for investors to get caught up in the excitement around a hot stock or sector. Remember the dot-com bubble or the recent surge in cryptocurrency? When you hear about a stock or investment that’s skyrocketed, it’s often too late to capitalize on those gains. The hype has already driven up the price and those results are already “baked in.” As the saying goes, “No one brags about
By Indexopedia Research Team | October 1, 2024 | In