Gross domestic product commonly known as GDP measures the monetary value of goods and services purchased by consumers in a country within a certain timeframe. Another way to define GDP is that it calculates most of the output or productivity that goes on within a country. There are many professionals and organizations who can benefit from GDP including policy makers, economists, entrepreneurs and investors. Uses Of GDP GDPcan provide countries an estimate of the size and growth of their economies. Notable bodies who use GDP include the White House, The Federal Reserve, congress, businesses, as well as state and local governments. Some ways GDP can be used include: The White House and Congress use it to help plan spending and form tax policies The Federal Reserve uses GDP to set monetary policies Economists use GDP to see how fast the economy is growing, compare economic growth between states, or see how different industries are performing Business professionals can use GDP to make decisions about jobs and expansion Additionally, investors can use GDP to guide their investment decisions. When GDP is rising, it indicates strong economic